Megapurple and wine
Want a darker wine with no blending? Don't want anyone to know the difference? No problem! Megapurple to the rescue.
I've done a few posts now on natural winemaking and even recently listed the TTB's allowed ingredients on my blog (see it here - yuck!). Megapurple is another little industry dirty secret I get to discuss from time to time with my customers in the tasting room. Foursight, of course, is opposed to adding concentrates like megapurple or megared (along with most other enzymes, additives and the like). We believe that Pinot should look like Pinot. Period. But, people do use this stuff.
Wine Press Northwest does a great job with this interview of wine journalist, educator, and judge Dan Berger, below. Watch it to learn more about megapurple and Dan's thoughts on how the concentrate may affect the taste of wine. Very interesting...
I've done a few posts now on natural winemaking and even recently listed the TTB's allowed ingredients on my blog (see it here - yuck!). Megapurple is another little industry dirty secret I get to discuss from time to time with my customers in the tasting room. Foursight, of course, is opposed to adding concentrates like megapurple or megared (along with most other enzymes, additives and the like). We believe that Pinot should look like Pinot. Period. But, people do use this stuff.
Wine Press Northwest does a great job with this interview of wine journalist, educator, and judge Dan Berger, below. Watch it to learn more about megapurple and Dan's thoughts on how the concentrate may affect the taste of wine. Very interesting...