My first time flying
Local Larry Lombard took me up in his two-seater, restored army plane -- it was one of the coolest things I've ever gotten a chance to do, made even better by the fact that he let m
We had a rare, warm and clear day for January and we took a spin out to the ocean to see if we could spot some whales. And, sure enough, we saw two! We did a loop down along the coast, around a monastary perched high on the hills above the ocean, then back over our ranch along Mtn. View Rd., and over our vineyard. It was so fascinating to see everything from above -- our vineyard looks even more meticulously laid out than on the ground. And even though I knew this had happened, it was
I am working on a photographic project in which I am living in and documenting all the towns across the country named Boonville; There are six. I stay in each town for about six weeks, and I will be in Boonville, California in March/April. I would love to see your winery, if you have tours available.
Timothy Briner